by Sara 

Recent crime


Sadly, we have had several crimes here in the past week or so.? Here are some of the emails from our readers:
This morning, Monday 12/15 I woke up at 5:20 to go to the gym. As I rolled over and looked out the window, I noticed there was a white 4-door car slowly rolling down the road with a person walking quickly to catch up to it. Being as it was super early I didn’t take too much note of the situation or the particular make/model of the car. But I do know it was a 4-door, white car w/ a driver and a passenger.?It wasn’t until I actually went out to my car at like 5:35 that I noticed all my doors were wide open and my jockey box was open ? and paper work everywhere. Luckily for me they didn’t break a window ? just jimmied the locks. And the only thing that I noticed stolen was a roll of quarters. Ha.
Anyway ? it might be pertinent info for someone out there who may have also been broken into this morning as well. Next time I’ll pay more attention to the cars that are lurking on our streets.?My address is just off the corner of 31st and Barrett.
And this bizarre one Saturday:
A house in the 3200 block of 40th Ave W (between W Prosper and W Dravus over by the Water Tower), was burglarized Saturday night 12/20/14 between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.??The burglar(s) stole a lap top computer, destroyed the TV, and drank a full bottle of wine (and then sprinkled some wine on the bed).
And this:
We had our car broken into on Friday night, Dec. 19 – they took a gym bag, shoes, drycleaning, a wallet, sunglasses and a bag of gifts in the trunk. Our neighbors also had things stolen from their cars – all of our cars are keyless entry and were locked, no windows broken, may have unlocked using some sort of technology
And finally, the grinchiest:

We were burglarized on Friday evening. ?They took wrapped Christmas gifts from under our tree and a good portion of my wife’s jewelry. ?We’d like to get the word out to the community to remember to set your alarms and check your doors and windows before you leave. ?They came in through a kitchen window at the back of our house. ?We thought it was locked but it did not appear to be forced open, so it must not have been completely latched. We are at 35xx 29th Ave W.

Watch out for each other, friends!

About the author 


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