by Sara 

Donate blood today at Fatima


Please give blood today at?Fatima Church Hall from 1-7pm.

The blood supply for our region depends on thousands of local individuals every week who make the decision to give blood and help keep folks safe when they need the gift of life-saving blood.? Did you know?

????????? A total?of 30 million blood components are transfused each year in the U.S.

????????? Only 5% of the population donates.

????????? Each day, nearly 900 people must donate with BloodworksNW to meet the local need.

????????? The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs.

????????? Every 2 minutes, someone in western WA is receiving a transfusion.

Sponsored by the Magnolia Knights of Columbus

When you donate, please remember to eat a good meal, drink plenty of water, and bring a photo I.D.


????????? Yes, you CAN donate if you?ve had a tattoo in the past 12 months ? as long as it was performed in a licensed facility in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, or California.

????????? Yes, you CAN donate if you are a diabetic ? as long as you are healthy you are able to give.

????????? Yes, you CAN donate if you are taking blood pressure medicine, as long as your blood pressure is within range.

????????? Yes, you CAN donate 6 weeks after pregnancy. And you CAN donate if you?ve had a flu shot.

????????? And there is NO upper age limit ? as long as you are healthy and have a beating heart you?re eligible!

About the author 


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