by Sara 

Math workshop for parents


Successful Schools In Action presents an elementary math workshop designed specifically for parents and guardians.  This is designed for parents who may be feeling frustrated or ineffective when helping their children with their math homework or who want to learn more about the elementary math curriculum. 

The workshop is on Wednesday, February 2nd from 7?8:30 p.m.
at Catharine Blaine.  You?ll learn specific strategies and techniques
for helping your child with math and about additional resources and materials to supplement and support math instruction for your child.   There are two levels, K – 2nd grade and 3rd – 5th grade, each led by two expert teachers. The workshop fee is $15. For more information or to register click here.   You can also email with questions.

About the author 


  1. “Ok parents, let’s start at the beginning….1+1= ? c.mon on, anybody?”

    (anyone got a calculator….)

  2. I’m frustrated that this workshop has a fee. It’s bad enough that the schools teach certain subjects (elementary science/Mad Science, Glee Club, sports, most art) only after school for a (high) fee. Now parents, too, are asked to pay just to learn how to help our kids and schools? 🙁 There is definitely a have/have-not class divide at Blaine, with families like mine in the “have-not” category. Sadly, it’s often – not always – poorer families like mine that most need parental and student enrichment.

  3. You’re missing the real reason the school provides this course for parents. The curriculum, via the district textbook, is so full of inaccessible verbiage, parents cannot help a 4th grade student with math because it’s impossible to discern the concepts without taking a class to explain them. It’s one-plus-one in terms so arcane, education professionals we use as tutors, cannot assist my child with his homework. It’s Teachers-Gone-Wild with language only a bureaucrat could love.

  4. Is it just me, but if you have to hold workshops for parents to figure out elementary math homework then maybe the problem may be the elementary math homework?

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