by Sara 

Do you Boo?


UPDATE: The email address is ?
Leaves are beginning to change color,?Magnolians are decorating for fall and Halloween is just around the corner.? Many of you already know about the fun and neighborly?tradition called “Ghosting” or “Boo-ing”.? If you aren’t aware, check out this email we received over the weekend:
“Ghosting” is an activity that happens every year in Magnolia during the month of October.? If you aren’t familiar with ghosting, it is a fun activity that starts each year on October 1.? The “Magnolia Boo Babes” (a group of Magnolia women) start it off by distributing bags of treats and candy to doorsteps throughout the neighborhood.? When someone receives a Ghost Bag, they get some treats, toys and a paper ghost which they are instructed to hang on their front door.? Then, they are asked to keep the fun going by delivering two ghost bags to friends or neighbors who haven’t already been “ghosted”.?? You can tell who has been “ghosted” already by seeing the paper ghosts hanging on the front doors throughout the neighborhood.??? Its a fun activity, especially for households with kids, and the Magnolia Boo Babes enjoy seeing how many ghosts are displayed on front doors in Magnolia by Halloween (when the fun ends).
This year, the Magnolia Boo Babes (who only operate under strict anonymity) would like to be sure that any Magnolia child that wants to be “ghosted” gets ghosted.? We thought we would write to you, to help put the word out to Magnolia parents.? Parents should submit their request to this email address no later than 9/30.? All we need to know is the street address – nothing else.? Parents should not tell their kids they’ve requested the ghost bag, so that its still a surprise.
The Chief Boo Babe
Thanks for the email, Boo Babe.? We are huge fans of?this tradition?at our house- hope you join in the fun. Happy Boo-ing!

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